Types of Services


Maintenance and Service

Have a professional diagnose and fix a malfuctioning part


Door Installation

Install a new garage door or replace an old one



Obtain parts from verified vendors and solve the issue on you own

Factors that Affect the Cost of Garage Door Services

As with most things, price is mostly determined by conveniece of service, durability of equipment, and personal asthetic. We offer solutions from the most cost effective where a schedule is provided to us and you are contacted with scheduling options, to tailored garage experiences focusing on conveniece in bringing your vision to fruition.

Take control of your Garage Door.

Your garage door can be a statement piece

Customized Service

When we understand what you need, we will make sure it gets fixed


Gain Control

Get your garage the way you want it, on your time


Save on Time

Service provided at your convenience


Parts and Maintenance

Depending on the issue, maintenance services run between $125 and $290


New Door Installation

The average cost of a new garage door installation is roughly $1,200


Do It Yourself

The knowledge is free! You get the parts, we help you fix it; so strings attatched.

Are you ready to learn more?


Have any questions or would like to know more about our service? Leave us a quick note and we'll be in contact you as soon as possible.

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